The last of Blogtober...
And what a lovely way to finish...with a squishy parcel for me and Aden.
Aden's part consists of 2 lovely pillow cases to match his quilt from the EB ladies. Not sure who made these ones but we love them! I've been meaning to make some cushion covers to go on the pillows I use on the rocking chair in Aden's room (I pinched some old ones from the couch...and they are yuck!) but now I don't have to! Thanks Ladies!
They came wrapped in the MM Cowboy print in the next photo...perfect for some overalls I think!
And for me some lovely greens and yellows to add to my fabric stash...Thanks Helen.
Aden's part consists of 2 lovely pillow cases to match his quilt from the EB ladies. Not sure who made these ones but we love them! I've been meaning to make some cushion covers to go on the pillows I use on the rocking chair in Aden's room (I pinched some old ones from the couch...and they are yuck!) but now I don't have to! Thanks Ladies!
And for me some lovely greens and yellows to add to my fabric stash...Thanks Helen.