3 Months!!

Look at my little 'jail bird' Aden likes to sit up and see what is going on around him. When he is lying down he can pull his head and shoulders up like he is going to sit up! But he still hates 'tummy time' although he can lift his head up and look around quite well!
Aaaarrrrrgggghhhh!!! A thumb sucker...Daddy's worst nightmare!!And for those of you who know me well....check out this bottom lip!! Just like Mummy!!

Weight: 5.67kg (growing 300grams but dropping down into the 25th percenticle)
Length: 63cms (growing 2cms - 75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 39 cms not growing this month (dropping down to the 10th percentile)
The last two measurements i had to do myself as the nurse at the clinic didn't bother...Aden will soon have his own personal clinic nurse...Granma!!


MIL said…
Yes, put a copy of this on your fridge next to another bottom lip moment! Priceless!!
Helen said…
Awwwww, he looks like you in the first photo. :)
thehummingcat said…
ohhh he is so cute, matched the zebra!
Lily Mulholland said…
AJ he's a real cutie! At least he'll be able to find his thumb in the middle of the night...unlike dummies that always go missing :)
Anonymous said…
I've seen that bottom lip before!!! lol.. Love you sissy!! B xoxo

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