Free Motion Quilting....

One of the main reasons for buying my new sewing machine was so that I could Free Motion Quilt (FMQ) my quilts. Well it looks like it will be a while before I'm at a stage of FMQing a whole quilt!
I've had a few practises on some spare fabric and this is what I can do....very slowly!

Then I got brave and decided to just go for it and FMQ on my EBDQS quilt....I only did this little bit....I hope my swappee will forgive my errors and accept the new things I am learning...

I have sooooo much more to learn...I think a Saturday morning class, while DH looks after Aden is on the cards...

Anyone have any FMQ tips to share??


Car said…
Looks pretty good to me...

If I can do it (FMQ) for my swap partner ~ I'm sure your's will be fine too ;)
Emma said…
That's excellent control! I suggest loads of practice, both with pencil and paper to familiarise your muscles with the shapes, and on practice sandwiches. And gloves; Ansell hyflex are very good and available at supermarkets - though I expect specialised ones are probably better. Also, a bit of speed helps keep your lines smooth, but don't be afraid to slow down to control your stitching more precisely. And start by using matching threads to disguise imperfections.
Helen said…
Practice AJ! Practice! Speed, new needle, good quality thread. Inspiration here
Mands said…
That look sgreat AJ! I was just about to suggest the same blog as Helen - great instructional videos.

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