
I talked DH into it...an investment I told him....look what I now own!!

Husqvarna Sapphire 870 Quilt

I had a little play on it last night....and it is sooo lovely!! I can't make it do all the things I want it to yet....there is a lot to learn but my head is going crazy with the possibilities!

I also got the extension sewing table and quiters presser foot package, but it wasn't in store so the lady gave me a walking foot to use til the others come in. I'm going to play with it for a week and then while my little sister is here to watch Aden for me I'm going in to have a lesson on all the things the machine can do...Hope that is ok Cee??

It is very much quieter than my old one...the main complaint DH has about me sewing...and when we move in 2 months time I get MY OWN SEWING ROOM!! Yep a whole room just for sewing...I'm looking into getting a second table for the room...one for cutting and one for sewing...I'll have to see when we get down there and how it all fits in.

Talk about sewing heaven........


thehummingcat said…
Love it! I have a quilters extension table to, I don't really use it that much (sewing machine has to share it's table with my computer) but if I had my own sewing room I would have it set up permanantly for sure.
Enjoy you lucky thing!
Emma said…
What a smart investment! I hope you're really happy with it. I think it's basically the same as mine; I know Husqvarna and Pfaff are aligned somehow. Can I offer a little advice? Take the time to get to know it and play with the settings to find which work for you. I couldn't believe how long it took to get used to a new machine. Enjoy! I'd be interested to find how you find the extension, too; from the photo the arm looks very narrow without it?
Cee said…
I would LOVE to look after Aden! I can't wait to get there and spend time with my little man!!! Of course I'm there to visit you too but let's face it...it's mainly for baby time!! :)
Bec Clarke said…
Ohhh lovely, good on you, you won't know where to start.
Helen said…
Ohhhhh, its love at first sight!! Can't wait to see what you sew with this beauty! Congrats AJ, you deserve this!

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