Happy 29th Birthday to me!

Thanks everyone for the birthday messages, texts and phone calls!

I've had a good day...a trip to the hairdressers, where Aden was an angel...slept and played in his car carrier perched up on a bench.

Did some of the usual house-y things, washing, cleaning, food shopping, changing nappies etc...
But also this year I got heaps of cuddles and smiles from my little one...so cute!

DH is taking me shopping tomorrow for my present...a lamp for my sewing room!! As well as my brand-new expensive sewing machine just over a week ago...so I think I'm set for another year of sewing...yeah!!


Helen said…
29 years old! You spring chicken!!!! Happy Birthday AJ, sounds like a wonderful day. :)
Cass said…
Happy Birthday AJ
Car said…
Happy Birthday AJ :)

Hope you had a great day & enjoy that new machine!!!
Natalie said…
Happy Birthday AJ! Hope you had a wonderful day xx

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