More Red Blocks

More red blocks...

More red blocks....I wonder how much of the actual block you will see when the edges are raggedy...they are currently 4 inches square...?? I've run out of red in my stash so this will have to be it for now...I will have to wait til the next 'extra' cash we have to get some more material...:(


thehummingcat said…
What sizes are your blocks? Are they red front and backs? I have heaps here of red and burgandys here if you want me to post some over? Looks great!
Helen said…
AJ, if they are 4 inches to start with, we'll cut usually .5 an inch off each side, so finished size would be 3. :)
AJ said…
Andy your a gem! What are you sewing right now...I'll swap you something!?!
AJ said…
Helen...I was just wondering how much you would see with all the fluff going on! 3 inches should be enough..
Unknown said…
WOW! I love the colours! This has to be my favourite collection of colours for the raggy quilt challenge I have seen...Sorry girls LOL
AJ said…
Thanks Kim...your a sweetie!
Unknown said…
I've got some lovely 4" read squares you can have :-)
Anonymous said…
I don't know if the other post worked but i've got a few lovely precut red 4" squares you can have..
thehummingcat said…
What am I sewing right now? lol, what aren't I sewing! And I am not supposed to be sewing, should be packing, and ifI have to sew, it should be curtains!!!

How do I email you to get your address? Will find some reds for you on Wednesday :-)
thehummingcat said…
Red blocks will be posted on Monday, not really blocks as you have to cut them up yourself!
Bwoh hoh hoh :-)

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