Log Cabin Progress

I have been making more blocks this weekend end....and playing with the layouts...cause I'm doing basically two different quilts...I'm going to do two different layouts...

Radiating Diamonds


Helen said…
You are the log cabin queen! I like the top one best! Should get my act together and do some too.....
Anonymous said…
AJ, I've been reading your blog fr a few weeks now and have to say i LOVE these bright log cabins! You've inspired me to make my son a log cabin quilt .. just have to get my hands on some bright scraps and work up a collection! Well sone, can't wait to see more progress pics!
AJ said…
Thanks for your kind words Lexi...let me know if I can help you with the scraps...I'm sure to have some lying around I can send you!!
Austysmum said…
Looks great - I like the lines best as they stand out the most for me. Nice work!

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